| | Every child can !
The method was born out of a happy synthesis between Western
culture and Eastern sensibility.
The secret of its success lies in Maestro Suzuki’s faith in man. Man was the
inspiration for his method, which was founded on the way we learn our mother
While Suzuki was studying in Germany he was amazed to observe how the children
spoke German easily and fluently, although it seemed so difficult to learn to an
adult student like himself.
"Geniuses" are people who have particular insights and notice things
in the everyday world that ordinary people do not see. For ordinary people an
apple falling from a tree is a normal occurrence, for Newton it was the test of
the law that governs the universe. For ordinary people a child speaking is
completely unremarkable, for Suzuki it was a "wonderful thing". He
started studying how children learn to speak their mother tongue fluently (three
thousand words by the second year of life). When an individual is born he has a
certain vital force, a strength that animates his faculties; no one can say how
able he is by nature. Talent is recognised only to the extent to which it is
developed or damaged.
Through these observations Suzuki reached the conclusion that
there is "genius" in every individual and that everybody can
"learn to the maximum" (if not prevented by physical and mental
handicaps). In Japan there are cases of mediocre students becoming excellent and
sometimes even exceptional. Every teacher should always remember this
"maximum learning facility" that every individual possess. Therefore,
Suzuki studied how people learn their mother tongue. There are three necessary
steps for learning it: 1) listening
2) regular repetition 3) the
educator’s attitude