The teacher


The teacher and his role

The  teacher's role is characterized by ten fundamental points:

  1. he has a search attitude in the comparisons of music in a generalized manner, and his instrument in particular. He is not closed on his own ideas, he prefers the comparison with the various theories orchestrates them and knows the most wide repertory.
  2. he knows well the different musical ages and the respective interpretative styles.
  3. he knows well the various didactic movements relative to the instruction of music for children.
  4. he has good knowledge of anatomy, he knows psychomotricity and relaxation techniques.
  5. he can speak at least a foreign language in order to know the field of didactic in world and being able to participate in masterclass and meetings in foreign countries, too.
  6. he loves the children: he teaches not only for making his living.
  7. he strongly believes in what he does.
  8. he does not dramatize when a student stops after a certain time. The child had however already covered with music an important moment of his life and surely that will have contributed to improve his education, allowing him to socialize and to acquire elements of discipline and concentration that will be useful later.
    He records his own cassettes, having care to perform the music in the correct style.
  9. He possesses an enormous patience. The musical and imaginative ability must be bound together to one not common psychological intuition. In this way he will know how to encourage the child constantly.

Only a teacher who knows to put himself in discussion, covering a way of search and personal experimentation will be in tune with the described Decalogue as soon as and will guarantee to if same a continuous evolution of his own knowledge.

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